Delicious Breakfast Fruit Bowl with Flax and Chia Seeds

Today I introduced my husband to flax and chia seeds. To his surprise, he actually liked the breakfast fruit bowl I made each of us on this sunny winter morning. He doesn’t like grapes or blackberries much– so I snuck those in too!

The entire bowl is just under 270 calories and kept us full and energized for several hours.

Here’s the simple and quick recipe:

  • Banana – 3/4 of a whole banana
  • Blackberries – 1/4 cup
  • Black Seedless Grapes – 1/2 cup
  • Golden Delicious Apple – 1/2 an apple
  • Chia Seeds – 1.5 teaspoons
  • Flax Seeds – 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon Juice – 2 teaspoons

Tip : Cut the apple in small cubes and toss in lemon juice before adding into the bowl. The lemon juice prevents the apple from browning.

  1. Put apple pieces and grapes into a bowl
  2. Slice the banana and add on top of the apple and grapes
  3. Add the blackberries
  4. Sprinkle Chia and Flax seeds over the fruit
  5. Enjoy with great company!

My husband doesn’t drink milk. Seeing as chia seeds are a good source of calcium, it’s a great addition to fruit in the morning or shakes after a workout. Chia seeds also have a lot of potassium and antioxidants. Potassium is important for muscle strength, metabolism, blood pressure, as well as heart and kidney health. Since it helps with stress, chia is a perfect addition to any meal before I make my husband go shopping with me!

Flaxseed is great for stabilizing blood sugar and could help lower cholesterol. There’s nothing worse than craving sweets or an unhealthy snack a couple hours after breakfast!