Easy Ham & Egg Sandwich with Pepper Jack Cheese

The other day, I made a super quick and easy breakfast that tasted great and kept everyone full for hours.


Ham and Egg Sandwich with Pepper Jack Cheese (2 servings)


  • Three slices of Virginia Honey Ham
  • Quarter to Half (to your taste) stick of Butter
  • Three Large Eggs
  • Two slices of Pepper Jack Cheese
  • Two slices of Rye Bread
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Sprinkle of Paprika
  • Sprinkle of Ground Black Pepper


  1. Cut the ham into small pieces and put on a cold pan
  2. Slice up to a quarter stick of butter and put pieces around the pan
  3. Turn the pan on at medium heat
  4. Toast two slices of bread and put each slice on a separate plate
  5. (Optional) Spread some butter on each slice of bread
  6. Mix the ham on the pan
  7. Put one slice of cheese on each slice of bread
  8. Add the salt, paprika and pepper to the ham
  9. Break the eggs open directly over the pan and add the contents to the ham, throwing the shells away (gardening tip: you can add the shells to your compost if you have one)
  10. Gently mix everything on the pan just so the ham is entirely covered by eggs
  11. Put a lid on the pan
  12. Slice up some of your favorite fruit and put on each plate. I chose grapes and an orange!
  13. When bubbles start to form in the pan, take the lid off and use a spatula to split the contents in half. Gently flip each half over. Leave uncovered. Turn the burner off.
  14. In 30-60 seconds remove eggs from the pan and put over the cheese on each slice of bread
  15. Enjoy with a cup of your favorite tea or glass of milk!

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